Broxbourne Runners

Broxbourne Runners are based at Broxbourne Sports Club.
As always new members are very welcome, with free trial sessions available.
WEDNESDAYS – Meet 7 p.m. at Broxbourne Sports Club. We try to ensure that every runner, no matter what level, are catered for.
Our sessions are designed to enable you to challenge yourself and improve your running performance whilst making the sessions as varied and enjoyable as possible. The sessions are structured so that all standards of runner, from absolute beginners to ultra runners, can take part and benefit from a hard but enjoyable workout.
Each month we also run a Club handicap on a Wednesday evening aimed at all members finishing at exactly the same time from a staggered start. Anybody from the fastest to the slowest member can win and this ensures some fierce but friendly competition.
Visit the Broxbourne Runners website for more information.