Squash & Racketball – FREE Adult Taster Session

As the colder winter months approach why not try a new sport that can be played indoors? Squash and racketball are both great for your fitness, ball skills and a chance to meet and socialise.

Nick Mulvey, our experienced coach at Broxbourne will be running a free session for adults (19+) of all ages on Saturday 30th September between 2-4pm. You will be introduced to both squash and racketball to see which you prefer. All equipment is provided, just come in suitable sports clothing and non-marking trainers or tennis shoes.

Places are limited, so if you would like to come along on 30th September, please book your free place using the link below:


If you enjoy this session and want to play regularly,  club members will be on hand to ask questions about membership and Nick will provide information about the coaching programme.

There are great offers on squash membership available right now. New members (i.e. not been a Broxbourne Squash member in the last 3 years) who pay the annual fee on or before 30th September will be eligible for a 25% discount. We are also introducing a new occasional member package for those who expect to play less frequently. Visit our squash membership page for more information:


Please let your family and friends know about this free session.

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